Impérialisme; Mondialisation néolibérale sous hégémonie états-unienne
Imperialism; Neoliberal globalization under U.S. hegemony

A Lire:
Le néolibéralisme sous hégémonie états-unienne (2004) Ouvrir

Neoliberalismo --- Neoimperialismo (2007) Ouvrir
La nouvelle configuration du capitalisme mondial. Les enjeux d'une entrée à l'OMC (2006) Ouvrir
El imperialismo en la era neoliberal (2006) Ouvrir
El imperialismo en la era neoliberal (2005) Ouvrir
América Latina na mundialização neoliberal (2005) Ouvrir
Neoliberalismo - Neomilitarismo (2004) Ouvrir
El imperialismo en la era neoliberal (2004) Ouvrir
Ivresse néolibérale. Arrogance impériale (2004) Ouvrir
El imperialismo en la era neoliberal (2004) Ouvrir
L'imperialismo neoliberista. Una Dinamica insostenibile (2004) Ouvrir
The New Configuration of U.S. Imperialism in Perspective (2004) Ouvrir
Le néolibéralisme sous hégémonie états-unienne (2004) Ouvrir
O imperialismo na era neoliberão (2004) Ouvrir
L'impérialisme à l'ère néolibérale (2004) Ouvrir
The Economics of U.S. Imperialism at the Turn of the 21th Century (2004) Ouvrir
Neoliberal dynamics - Neoimperial dynamics (2003) Ouvrir
Néolibéralisme-Néomilitarisme (2003) Ouvrir
Imposing the Neoliberal Order. Four Historical Configurations (US, Europe, Japan, and Korea) (2001) Ouvrir
Crise et sortie de crise. Ordre et désordres néolibérauxOuvrir (2000) : partie 3, La loi de la finance, et en particulier le
chapitres 11, la globalisation} et 12, Une mondialisation sous hégémonie}

Neoliberalism, globalization, imperialism, and hegemony

The neoliberalism, corresponds to the new functionings of capitalism both domestically and internationally. Therefore, a distinction must be maintained between neoliberalism and globalization. Domestically, the neoliberal order is manifested in the discipline imposed to labor and management, and the new flows of income toward finance. The same is true internationally, though free trade and the free movements of capital are crucial in the present functionings and transformation of the world economy.
By imperialism, we do not mean a stage of capitalism, as in Lenin's analysis ( Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1916), but the relationship of subordination and exploitation which links the major capitalist countries to those of the periphery. (Imperialism itself undergoes successive stages in relation to the economical, social, and political features of the countries of the center and the periphery in each epoch of capitalism.)
We give to hegemony a more precise meaning (which echoes the historical antecedent of the league of Delos in ancient Greece) than that of domination. Imperialism is not the fact of a single country (the U.S.) but collective and hierarchic, in its relationship to other less developed countries and given the contradictions within the group of imperialist countries. This is what we precisely mean by hegemony. The leadership is ensured by the U.S. and its grasp over the periphery is combined with a form of interimperialist domination within the group of imperialist countries.

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