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Revenu et inégalités

Publications et documents de travail liés au bien-être et au revenu et inégalités:


Winning big but feeling no better? The effect of lottery prizes on physical and mental health (Apouey & Clark, Health Economics,  2015).

Do more of those in misery suffer from poverty, unemployment or mental illness? (Flèche & Layard, Working Paper, 2015).

Do more of those in misery suffer from poverty, unemployment or mental illness? (Flèche & Layard, Working Paper, 2015).

Effect of income on trust: Evidence from the 2009 crisis in Russia. (Ananyev & Guriev, Working Paper, 2015).

Rising aspirations dampen satisfaction (Clark & Tamura, Education Economics 2015)

Improving Well-Being in the United States (Caldera Sánchez, Lenain & Flèche, Working Paper, 2014),

Bien ou mal payés? Les travailleurs du public et du privé jugent leurs salaires (Baudelot, Cartron, Gautié, Godechot, Gollac & Senik, Opuscules du CEPREMAP, 2014).

Retirement and the Marginal Utility of Income (Clark & Fawaz, Working Paper, 2014).

Exploring Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing in OECD Countries (Fleche, Smith, & Sorsa, OECD, 2012).

What makes for a better life?: The determinants of subjective well-being in OECD countries–Evidence from the Gallup World Poll  (Boarini, Comola, Smith, Manchin & De Keulenaer, OECD, 2012).

An empirical investigation into the determinants of life satisfaction in New Zealand (Brown, Woolf & Smith, New Zealand Economic Papers, 2012).

Upward social mobility, well-being and political preferences: Evidence from the BHPS (Clark & D’Angelo, Working Paper, 2010).

(Un) Happiness in Transition (Guriev & Zhuravskaya, The Journal of Economic Perspective, 2009). 

Heterogeneity in Reported Well‐Being: Evidence from Twelve European Countries (Clark, Etilé, Postel‐Vinay, Senik & Van der Straeten, The Economic Journal, 2005).

Your money or your life: Changing job quality in OECD countries (Clark,  British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2005)

Satisfaction and Comparison Income ( Clark.A,  Andrew Oswald), Journal of Public Economics, 1996)

Comparaison et inégalités:

Wage comparisons in and out of the firm. Evidence from a matched employer–employee French database (Godechot & Senik,  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,  2015).

Good, Better, Best. The Social Context of Labour-Market Success (Clark & D’Ambrosio, Working Paper, 2014).

Income Comparisons in Chinese Villages (Clark & Senik, in, Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries, CEPREMAP, 2014).

The joneses in Japan: income comparisons and financial satisfaction (Clark, Senik & Yamada, Working Paper, 2013).

Where the streets have a name: income comparisons in the US (Brodeur & Flèche, Working Paper, 2012).

The emerging aversion to inequality (Grosfeld & Senik, Economics of Transition, 2010).

Who compares to whom? the anatomy of income comparisons in europe (Clark & Senik,  The Economic Journal, 2010).

Economic satisfaction and income rank in small neighbourhoods (Clark, Westergård-Nielsen & Kristensen,  Journal of the European Economic Association, 2009).

Direct evidence on income comparisons and their welfare effects (Senik,  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2009).

Relative income, happiness, and utility: An explanation for the Easterlin paradox and other puzzles (Clark, Frijters & Shields,  Journal of Economic literature, 2008).

Ambition and jealousy: Income interactions in the ‘Old’Europe versus the ‘New’Europe and the United States (Senik, Economica, 2008).

Ambition et jalousie. La perception du revenu d’autrui dans la «vieille Europe», la «nouvelle Europe» et les États-Unis (Senik, Revue économique, 2006).

Income distribution and well‐being: what can we learn from subjective data? (Senik,  Journal of Economic Surveys, 2005).

When information dominates comparison: Learning from Russian subjective panel data (Senik,  Journal of Public Economics, 2004).

Satisfaction and comparison income (Clark & Oswald, Journal of Public Economics, 1996).