Financial Constraints and Foreign Market Entries or Exits: Firm Level Evidence from France ASKENAZY P., CALDERA A., GAULIER G., IRAC D. Télécharger
Stealing to Survive: Crime and Income Shocks in 19th Century France BIGNON V., CAROLI E., GALBIATI R. Télécharger
Working in family firms: less paid but more secure? Evidence from French matched employer-employee data BASSANINI A., CAROLI E., REBÉRIOUX A., BREDA T. Télécharger
The Role of Abatement Technologies for Allocating Free Allowances CHRISTIN C., NICOLAÏ J.-P., POUYET J. Télécharger
Comment évaluer la productivité et l’efficacité des hôpitaux publics et privés ? Les enjeux de la convergence tarifaire DORMONT B., MILCENT C. Télécharger
Optimal Unemployment Insurance for Older Workers HAIRAULT J.-O., LANGOT F., MÉNARD S., SOPRASEUTH T. Télécharger
Risk Allocation and the Costs and Benefits of Public-Private Partnerships IOSSA E., MARTIMORT D. Télécharger
Worker information and firm disclosure – Analysis of French workplace data PERRAUDIN C., PETIT H., REBÉRIOUX A. Télécharger
The Law NOME: Some Implications for the French Electricity Markets CRETI A., POUYET J., SANIN M.-E. Télécharger
On the impact of the TFP growth on the employment rate: does training on-the-job matter? MORENO-GALBIS E. Télécharger