Is there a Retirement-Health Care utilization puzzle? Evidence from SHARE data in Europe Eve Caroli, Claudio Lucifora and Daria Vigani Télécharger
The Host with the Most? The Effects of the Olympic Games on Happiness Paul Dolan, Georgios Kavetsos , Christian Krekel, Dimitris Mavridis, Robert Metcalfe, Claudia Senik, Stefan Szymanski and Nicolas R. Ziebath Télécharger
Big Data Measures of Well-Being: Evidence from a GoogleWell-Being Index in the United States Yann Algan, Elizabeth Beasley, Florian Guyot, Kazuhito Higa, Fabrice Murtin, Claudia Senik Télécharger
How do Product and Labor Market Regulations affect Aggregate Employment, Inequalities and Job Polarization? A General Equilibrium Approach Julien Albertini, Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot, Thepthida Sopraseuth Télécharger
Happy People Have Children: Choice and Self-Selection into Parenthood Sophie Cetre, Andrew E. Clark et Claudia Senik Télécharger
Gender Quota inside the Boardroom: Female Directors as New Key Players? Antoine Rebérioux et Gwenael Roudaut Télécharger
Gains de productivitĂ© statiques et dâapprentissage induits par les phĂ©nomĂšnes dâagglomĂ©ration au sein du Grand Paris Pierre-Philippe Combes, Laurent Gobillon et Miren Lafourcade TĂ©lĂ©charger
Early Maternal Employment and Non-cognitive Outcomes in Early Childhood and Adolescence: Evidence from British Birth Cohort Data Warn N. Lekfuangfu, Nattavudh Powdthavee, Andrew E. Clark and George Ward Télécharger
Dâun siĂšcle Ă lâautre : salaire minimum, science Ă©conomique et dĂ©bat public aux Etats-Unis, en France et au Royaume-Uni JĂ©rĂŽme GautiĂ© TĂ©lĂ©charger
Le dĂ©ficit de cycle de vie en France: une Ă©valuation pour la pĂ©riode 1979-2011 Hippolyte dâAlbis Carole Bonnet Julien Navaux Jacques Pelletan and François-Charles Wolff TĂ©lĂ©charger
The Spanish Productivity Puzzle in the Great Recession Laura Hospido and Eva Moreno-Galbis Télécharger
The lasting health impact of leaving school in a bad economy: Britons in the 1970s recession Clémentine Garrouste and Mathilde Godard Télécharger
Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data Andrew E. Clark , Conchita D'Ambrosio and Simone Ghislandi Télécharger
Rising Aspirations Dampen Satisfaction Andrew E. Clark , Akiko Kamesaka and Teruyuki Tamura Télécharger