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Santé, Demographie, et Famille

Publications et documents de travail des membres de l’OBE liés à la  Santé, la démographie et à la famille:

Conditions économiques et définitions subjectives du « bien vieillir » : résultats d’une enquête quantitative (Apouey BH, 2017)

Renal Diseases and Social Inequalities in Access to Transplantation in France  (Baudelot , Caillé , Godechot, & Mercier , Population-E2016)

You can’t be happier than your wife. Happiness gaps and divorce (Godechot & Senik, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2015).

Winning big but feeling no better? The effect of lottery prizes on physical and mental health (Apouey & Clark, Health economics,  2015).

Do more of those in misery suffer from poverty, unemployment or mental illness? (Flèche & Layard, Working Paper, 2015).

What Predicts a Successful Life? A Life‐course Model of Well‐being (Layard, Clark, Cornaglia, Powdthavee & Vernoit, The Economic Journal, 2014)

Improving Well-Being in the United States (Caldera Sánchez, Lenain & Flèche, Working Paper, 2014),

Education policies and health inequalities: evidence from changes in the distribution of Body Mass Index in France, 1981-2003 ( Etile  Economics and Human Biology, 2014)

 Back to baseline in Britain: adaptation in the British household panel survey (Clark & Georgellis, Economica, 2013).

Can governments boost people’s sense of well-being? The impact of selected labour market and health policies on life satisfaction  (Boarini, Comola, de Keulenaer, Manchin  & Smith, Social indicators research, 2013).

What makes for a better life?: The determinants of subjective well-being in OECD countries–Evidence from the Gallup World Poll  (Boarini, Comola, Smith, Manchin & De Keulenaer, OECD, 2012).

An empirical investigation into the determinants of life satisfaction in New Zealand (Brown, Woolf & Smith, New Zealand Economic Papers, 2012).

The causes of happiness and misery (Clark, Layard & Senik, UN Happiness Report, 2012).

Exploring Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing in OECD Countries (Fleche, Smith, & Sorsa, OECD, 2012).

Happy house: Spousal weight and individual well-being (Clark & Etilé,  Journal of Health Economics, 2011).

Schooling and Smoking Among the Baby Boomers:  An Evaluation of the Impact of Educational Expansion in France ( Etilé & Jones, Journal of Health Economics, 2011)

Lags and leads in life satisfaction: a test of the baseline hypothesis (Clark, Diener, Georgellis & Lucas, The Economic Journal, 2008).

Social norms, ideal body weight and food attitudes (Etilé, Health Economics, 2007).

Born to be mild? Cohort effects don’t fully) explain why well-being is U-shaped in age (Clark, Working Paper, 2007).

The curved relationship between subjective well-being and age (Clark & Oswald, Working Paper, 2006).

Income-related reporting heterogeneity in self-assessed health: evidence from France ( Etilé & Milcent,  Health Economics, 2006)

Do people really adapt to marriage? (Lucas & Clark, Journal of Happiness Studies, 2006).

Reexamining adaptation and the set point model of happiness: reactions to changes in marital status (Lucas, Clark, Georgellis & Diener, Journal of personality and social psychology, 2003).

A simple statistical method for measuring how life events affect happiness (Clark & Oswald,  International Journal of Epidemiology, 2002).

Is job satisfaction U‐shaped in age?  (Clark, Oswald & Warr, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 1996).

L’utilité est-elle relative? Analyse à l’aide de données sur les ménages (Clark, Economie & prévision, 1995).